Catholic Women’s League
T he Catholic Women’s League was founded in Brighton in1906 under the then title League of Catholic Women Workers. It was founded by Margaret Fletcher who was born in Oxford in 1862. She started a magazine called The Crucible aimed at arousing the interest of teachers and schools in getting better social education for women and after 8 years of publication, this magazine was instrumental to the formation of a League for women by providing a route for Margaret’s ideas. The object of the newly formed League was – to unite Catholic Women in a bond of common fellowship for the promotion of religious, intellectual and social work.Today, the Catholic Women’s League is a fellowship of women within the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese, seeking to serve God and to help one another in facing the problems of daily life and to develop a true and Christian spirit in themselves, in the home, Church and community.
The aim of the members is to take steps to deepen their worship of Almighty God through personal, family and liturgical prayer; by acquiring a wider knowledge of Catholic principles; and by applying them in their respective lives.
The St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Women’s League meet every 3rd Sunday after mass on the Church grounds of the St Elizabeth’s Catholic Church, where they organize whatever appropriate action or activities deemed desirable to further all spiritual and social undertakings to further develop the members Christian life. Activities of the group includes:
- Day of Prayer-During the Easter
- Visiting Children’s Home-Walker’s Children Home
- Visit the Shut –In every other month for the year.
- Annual Pilgrimage for the feast of the Assumption of Mary-Morant Bay, Jamaica
- Annual Retreat-Mandeville, Jamaica
- Fund-raising activities-Cake Sale; Tea Party.
We therefore welcome all women of the ST. Elizabeth’s Church community to become a member to assist with our objective of empowering other women and strengthening our faith to serve God and to help others. For further details on becoming a member, please contact church officer at 926-7248.
Mrs. Lurline Barnaby is currently the president of the Women’s League.