T he warm friendliness and open hospitality of ushers are an essential ingredient which prepares the congregation for the re-creative (life giving) work of the Holy Spirit who labors mightily in the celebration to make all who share in it “one body, one spirit in Christ”.The ministry of USHERS is a ministry of grace exercised in profound INTERDEPENDENCE with the other ministries involved in the Sunday Worship. With all who participate, the ushers are part of the sacrament, the fore-runner of the Gospel. Being warmly welcomed at the door by the Usher is already a Eucharistic grace for the worshippers.
About the Role
The Ministry of Ushers is deeply rooted in Scripture and Tradition and where they function properly, the quality of worship is greatly improved and the Christian Community is capable of providing, even in a brief encounter, an experience of genuine Christian hospitality.
This ministry requires a great sense of responsibility and dependability. Like John the Baptist, their chief model, ushers are heralds of Christ the Lord:
• They go before him to announce the Lord
• They show people into his presence
• Drawing attention, not to themselves, but to Jesus.
•”He must increase but I must decrease.”
• They are signs pointing to “The Way”
President of the Ushers Association: Hyacinth Williams