FEBRUARY 12, 2017

Reporter: Britthney Watts

World marriage day 2017 took place on February 12, 2017.

It is in event started in 1993 by Pope John Paul II. Its purpose is declared to be “World Marriage Day honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married life.”

We here at St. Ez did no different from any other church around the world by paying tributes to our married couples.

Normally our couples would sit where they see fit but on this special day we asked them to sit at the front of the church so that they could be highlighted.

The readings were done by the Ainsworth’s, the intercessory prayer was done by the Tyson’s and the Hibbert’s participated in the presentation of the gifts.

In his homily Deacon Desmond Gordon asked some of the couples what was important thing in their marriage and some of their answers included trust, communication and understanding each other.

He highlighted the fact that these couples may have problems but they would know how to overcome them as they took their vows which states in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, and for better and for worse.

He also spoke about the fact that in the Catholic Church the bride and the groom signs in front of the entire church on the consecrated altar and everyone at the wedding stands as witnesses.

The couples then stood at the front of the church where they then renewed their marriage vows in front of the priest and the deacon and the entire church as witnesses. Father then blessed each of the couples and later they were made to stand around the altar as the beginning of the liturgy of the Eucharist took place.

Later on the newly renewed couples were presented with certificates from the church.

Also we had visitors from The Holy Name youth group and the family of one a church member who passed on recently.

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